Tuesday, May 19, 2015

4Q #7 "Trouble", Summary


Franklin had planned to climb Katahdin, the dangerous mountain peak in neighboring Maine, with his younger brother. When Franklin dies, Henry will climb alone in his for he can have memories of his brother Franklin, but as it turns out.  His best friend, Sanborn Brigham, want to be allowed to tag along, and through their closeness during the course of their travels, Henry learns of the deep sadness that comes from having parents who will always give a child everything he could want, but a lot of things remain completely different to him. Henry's second buddy on the journey is someone for whom he at first has nothing but dislike, a young Cambodian settler named Chay Chouan, who was the driver of that that killed Franklin. At first unaware of the identity of the boy whom fate has so came back again into his life, Henry comes to recognize the quiet greatness and strength of Chay, who has lost everything, including family and home, through war and loving an American girl.

As I was reading my book. There was a memory moment. Henry anted to climb the monument that Franklin wanted to climb. No one has never climb it. They say that “If you climb it, you will never come back alive.” I know that this is a memory moment because the book it states, "I want to climb the mouton  for I can make my brother proud”.

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